Home Made ~Mask & Scrubs!!

"Masks & Scrubs"

Hi guys today I'm going to show some home made mask recipe for hair and face; also some scrubs recipe. All this recipe that I'm going to show you i used it before and it works for me. The hair mask are good if you need more shine, or for split ends and to make your hair stronger and healthy. The face masks and scrubs are good for acne, for redness, and for softer skin. And the last is body and hand scrubs. So let's start!!!


Lets start with hair mask!!!

Recipe 1: Mix                                                                             Recipe 2: Mix
_Mayonnaise                                                                              _Olive oil                                                     
_An egg                                                                                      _Avocado
_Olive oil
_Liquid vanilla
_Cinnamon powder
_Ground nutmeg

Recipe 3: Mix                                                                              Recipe 4: Mix

_Ginger                                                                                      _Carrot juice
_Sesame oil                                                                               _ Coconut milk
_Evaporated milk                                                        
_Aloe Vera
_Bio Complex oil treatment amp (Of your choice)

This recipe has many vitamins that helps your hair to be healthy and shiny. The recipe number 1, 2 and 4 is just for one day. Recipe 3 you could make a lot and put in the fridge,  the longer is in the fridge the better.. I put this an hour or two before i wash my hair. (P.S. I don't recommends the avocado mask if you have blond hair because there will be a greenish tint in your hair.)

Face Mask!!!

Recipe 1: Mix                                                            Recipe 2: Mix
_Non cooked Oatmeal                                                _Honey
_Honey                                                                        _Lemon Juice(Yellow or Green)
_Lemon Juice(Yellow or Green)

Recipe 3: Boil (Redness & Itchiness)                         Recipe 4: Smash (Acne)

_Chamomile                                                                _Aspirin Pill

This mask recipe has many vitamins that helps your skin. Recipe 3 it says boil; You have to boil chamomile in a pot and then let it cool, then take a face towel deep it in the tea then put in your face for a few minutes then repeat how many times you want. Recipe 4 it says smash; You have to smash aspirin pills into powder. Then you mix the powder with one of your favorite toner, you put this on your pimples for the inflammation could go down.


Recipe 1: Mix & Roll into golf balls size                     Recipe 2: Mix & Roll into golf balls size                       

_Brown Sugar                                                                   _Cornmeal
_Honey                                                                              _Honey

Recipe 3: Mix & Roll into golf balls size

_Brown Sugar
_Olive oil

This scrubs are good for your body and hands you mix the ingredient and roll into golf balls size up to 3 or 4 balls. Before you rub it in your skin you have to wet your body and then rub the scrub gently until is over then repeat how many time you want. Scrubs 1 & 2 is for your whole body and scrub 3 is just for your hands only. (P.S. This scrub are for your body and hands i never tried it in my face so don't put in your face)

I hope you like the recipes that i showed you all of this worked for me and i have sensitive skin so its good. All this recipe i learned it from my mother she's been using this since she was a teenager. Then she showed it to me. Thank You for spending some time looking at my blog. 

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  1. thanks for sharing the recipe! I love wearing mask at least once a week <3


    1. Yes, i also try to remember to use a mask at least 1 or 2 times a week. If i don't have a beauty masks in my house i just make one. ^_^

      Thanks for visiting!!!

  2. You have an amazing blog.....following you on GFC....don't forget to follow back.....will wait for you.....much love....xoxoxo......^_^

  3. hai ..
    just follow you ..
    nice tips, would try someday :)


  4. hi mimi, thanks for the comment you left on my blog! i followed you :)

  5. Hi mimii!

    nice blog :) sure I'll try some of your recipes :D

    btw, I've followed your blog
    would you mind to follow back?

    thank you :):)

    1. Thank you for following me!!!!

      I followed you back!!!!!

  6. Great recipes~
    Followed you~ Follow back? c:

  7. Hi, nice review :D
    following you now, would u like to follow me back?


  8. can i ask somethingg . how long the aspirin will reduce imflamation .
    thank you and you also have cute blog .
    i followed u already x) let's follow each other

    xion xiu's blog

    1. Is depending on the size of the pimple....for example i have a white head and i pop it sometimes it grows back the next day....but for it cannot grow the next day i put the mixture where the pimple is then i go to sleep..Then the next day i don't have nothing. But sometimes i get pimples that get really big & red that it hurts...i take the mixture & massage the pimple with it & leave it there until the next day & then i continue that process until it takes of..like 2 day or 3.
      Thank you for following!!

  9. Interesting DIY homemade masks and scrubs! I definitely will have to try some of these out!
    Followed you on GFC! Thanks for commenting on my blog. If you'd like to return the favor you can visit me at: manicpixiegirl

    1. Thank you for visiting!!!! Im following you!!!

  10. Loved your tips for hair, face and body! I love DIY masks and scrubs. I use sugar with vaseline on my lips for scrub and also sugar on top of a good thick layer of cleanser to exfoliate my face.
    I would love for us to follow each other.
    I'm following you.


  11. Haha avocado on blonde hair. I can just imagine a tinge of green. I do love DIY beauty secrets so thanks for sharing. I think there are some key ingredients like lemons which just cannot do any wrong when it comes to pampering.

    Yes, I didn't enjoy it as much when the Irish curly guy left Misfits either, so I stopped watching too. You should give some of those other shows a try if you're ever up for a new show. Rosemary x


    1. My moms hair is blonde so her hair turn a little bit green... Lol and Thank you for following!!! I'm following you!!!!!

  12. Thanks for this receipes!! :D
    I will try this (>w<)

    1. Thank You!!! ^_^
      For visiting i hope it works!!!
      Keep in touch :)


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-Just Emzs ♥

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